Friday, February 18, 2011

Blogging safety tips

One web page says that around half the blogs are written by teenagers.  Often times they reveal too much personal information that could get them into trouble with bad people that are on the internet.  Because I plan to work with children, I was interested to read the guidelines at  Here are some that were helpful for me:

1- Evaluate the blogging service to see if it offers password protected blogs.  A blog would be safer with a password and the password should only be shared with trustworthy people that won't give the password out to strangers or untrustworthy people.

2- Screen blogs before they are posted.  It's important to check what children want to post to be sure they don't post any personal information so they are safe.

3- Find positive examples of blogs for children to see.  Children can see what is appropriate to put on their blogs.

4- Keep blogs positive.  It's possible that if you speak badly about someone, that person may find out and be hurt.  Some people who attack others can get into legal trouble.

5- Use blogging services that provide clear terms of service.  Some providers protect user accounts with password protection, but they don't protect the actual blogs.  To have the actual blogs protected with a password adds another layer of protection.

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