Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Pedagogy of Blogs

Learning is fun!
There are three educational blogs that I have learned about.  I looked at one blog for a classroom of 2nd year students located in New Zealand.  On the blog is different stories the children have created.  It was fun to click on a video and listen to a student tell a story and to also look at the illustrations that the student created.  That's pretty cool to look at what a class is doing outside of the United States!  Anybody can give the children comments on their creations.  It must feel neat to the children to post their work for the world to see.

In a different classroom blog the students communicate to each other. That means that many students can speak to other students in the classroom and the classroom is still quiet.  A great thing about writing to each other is the students see a practical reason to learn to type.

A third blog I looked at was for a class in Australia  It's fun to hear the children speak (especially with the accent).  This site had a list on the right side that showed the routines for that class.  It's nice that the parents can just go to the class blog to be reminded of things they need to know and to know of updates.

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